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The Disappointment That Is The Supreme Court

Being at the intersection of so many marginalized identities is simultaneously beautiful and exhausting. The Supreme Court decisions over the last few days have me quite literally exhausted as a Black queer woman. The decision about affirmative action, while it is currently for academic applications, this is clearly the beginning. It is also important to note that the legacy student policy has not been revoked. Statistically we know that white women benefit the most from affirmative action, yet the people that will feel the brunt of this decision the most are Black people. Add to the situation that an Asian American has been used as an agent of white supremacy, and the anti Blackness is ramped up even more. The thing about issues that can and do affect people of color is that it will hit Black people doubly, because the hate of Black people doesn't stop at white people. 

That brings me to today's Supreme Court ruling on the Denver case where Lorie Smith claimed her religious beliefs should allow her prohibit providing services to a gay couple for a wedding website. The court decided that she cannot be forced to provide the service in connection with her first amendment rights. It is important to note that the man Lorie indicated wanted services from is stating he never requested services with her. This means that the Supreme Court has made a sweeping ruling based on an invalid claim, and essentially a hypothetical situation that Lorie created. With this ruling, this allows businesses to deny services to the LGBTQIA community without cause. Public accommodations can be denied, based on a person living and existing in their truth. 

As the hits kept on hitting today, the court also decided to vote against Joe Biden't plan for student loan forgiveness. This is coming at a time where the population who would most benefit from the forgiveness are now at a loss. This pandemic has affected everyone, with the hardest impact hitting Black people, disabled people, and queer people. So to now be faced with the reality of this financial stress, on top of the every day struggles in the States, it is bleak. It is bleak, it's disappointing, and it is terrifying. 

I am in love with being a Black queer woman. It is my favorite thing about being me. 

And I am also so weary being a Black queer woman. To live in a world that daily shows and tells you just how little they care about you, and how much they truly don't like you, it's exhausting. I won't let the world win. I won't let bigots win. I won't let oppression win.

The same tenacity I have for my existence is what is needed of people who are intentional about their anti Racism and decolonizing work. It is not enough to say "we support you", you have to work to support us. Make your voice heard. Dismantle, interrupt, and disrupt. As my best friend says "inaction is an action", so talk isn't enough. You need to get and stay active.


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